Help Us Say Yes!
To 1,500 Needy Families This Thanksgiving…
This Thanksgiving, Reflections of Trinity will be providing Thanksgiving Dinner for 1,500 families in Powder Springs and surrounding communities.
Your generosity is needed to help us reach this goal.
The holiday season is right around the corner. The hustle and bustle will soon begin as we prepare to gather with family and friends, honoring old family traditions as well as making new ones, and looking forward to the center piece of the holiday tradition, food. Many of us are blessed to sit down to a bounty of delicious dishes at Thanksgiving. Just thinking about the upcoming time of food, fun, and family brings a smile to one’s face.
For families who are food insecure, Thanksgiving dinner does not look like the traditional dinner that many are accustomed to and enjoy—the juicy turkey and dressing with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes with gravy, carrots, green beans, and pumpkin pie.
“Honestly, I don’t know what we would do without Reflections of Trinity Food Pantry. My wife and I are over 70 years old and we struggle to make ends meet.“
—David, Food Pantry Client
We invite you to join us and “HELP US SAY YES!”
From now until November 16th you will have the opportunity to join us in this endeavor.